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The Honorable William Schma Achievement Award is the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professional’s (MATCP) most prestigious award and it is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions for treatment courts in Michigan.
Established in 2004, the Schma award recognizes vision, leadership, and commitment to the Michigan Drug Treatment Court movement.
About Hon. William G. Schma (ret.)

Recognized as the Father of Drug Courts in Michigan by MATCP in 1999, Judge William Schma was Michigan’s first Drug Treatment Court judge. A Circuit Court Judge in Kalamazoo County, Judge Schma established the nation’s first Woman’s Drug Treatment Court in June of 1992. In 1997, a Drug Treatment Court for men was started. Judge Schma was a founding member of the MATCP, as well as the National Association of Treatment Court Professionals (NADCP). He has received the Founders Award and the Stanley M. Goldstein Award from the NADCP, and The Champion of Justice Award from the State Bar of Michigan.
“Looking back on the whole adventure, . . . I really think it [being a Drug Treatment Court judge] was, for me, the most
important thing I did as a judge, no question about it,” said Judge Schma. “We’re better people, we’re better judges, but also just better people for the work we have done; it’s more compassionate, more humane, and the good news, it’s more effective.”
Judge Schma served on the bench from 1987 to 2006. He served on the MATCP Board of Directors from 1996 to 2010, and he was the MATCP’s first President.
Past Recipients
Past recipients of the William Schma Achievement Award include:
Hon. Raymond P. Voet
Hon. Patrick Bowler (ret.)
Pamela Davis
Hon. Susan Dobrich (ret.)
Margie Good
Hon. Harvey Hoffman (ret.)
Hon. Susan Jonas (ret.)
John Lazet
Hon. Brian MacKenzie (ret.)
Hon. Phyllis McMillen
Dr. Jessica Parks
Presented by MATCP’s current President, the MATCP President's Award is presented to those individuals that the President determines have made a difference for the Treatment Court field during her or his term.
Past Recipients
Past recipients of the MATCP President's Award include:
2024 - Hon. Geno Salomone (ret.), 23rd District Court Judge
2023 - KC Steckelberg, Director of Public Affairs, Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan
2022 - Hon. Patrick Bowler (ret.) and Hon. Aric Nesbitt, State Senator
2021 - Hon. Graham Filler, State Representative and Hon. Mike Shirkey, State Representative
On behalf of the Honorable Jeffrey Sauter, former Eaton County Prosecuting Attorney, Eaton County Circuit Court Judge, and MATCP Board member, the Jeffrey Sauter Treatment Court Award is presented to prosecutors and/or assistant prosecutors who have made outstanding contributions to Michigan’s Treatment Courts and their clients. The award recognizes a prosecutor demonstrating "daily extraordinary work," where the person goes “above and beyond” the normal bounds of duty, and contributes to the impact on participants and/or the Treatment Court team.
This award is given by MATCP in partnership with the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan (P.A.A.M.)
About Hon. Jeffrey Sauter

Judge Sauter received his Juris Doctor from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in 1979. He began his law career with a sole practitioner in Charlotte, Michigan, but quickly moved to the Eaton County Prosecutors Office as an assistant prosecuting attorney. Later in 1991, the Eaton County Circuit Judges appointed him as Prosecuting Attorney. Judge Sauter became the longest serving prosecuting attorney in the history of Eaton County from 1991 thru 2013. In May 2013, Governor Rick Snyder appointed Judge Sauter to a vacancy in the Eaton County Circuit Court. While handling civil, family, and criminal cases, Judge Sauter was part of a team that established the Eaton County Veterans Treatment Court. Judge Sauter passed away in 2016.
Past Recipients
Past recipients of the Jeffrey Sauter Prosecutor Award include:
2023 - Lee Fisher, Prosecuting Attorney, Ottawa County
2022 - Nicole Matusko, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Ingham County
2019 - David Wallace, Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Huron County
2018 - Gregory W. Russell, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Kalamazoo County

The MATCP Hero Award is given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to a Treatment Court program. Award recipients are nominated by their peers for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to the program and its participants.
This award is an opportunity to recognize their hard work, dedication, and their positive impact on those they serve. The award recipient is recognized at the MATCP Annual Conference.
We are proud to honor the individuals who make Michigan Treatment Courts successful.
Past Recipients
Past recipients of the MATCP Hero Award include:
Brooke Belanger, Case Manager/Probation Officer, 61st District Court Sobriety Court
Joyce Fetrow, Recovery Court TEAM Member, 87A District Court - Hybrid Court
Marianne Carniak, Treatment Provider, 41B Drug Court & 41B DWI Court
Nicole Pawlowski, Recovery Court Director/Case Manager, Cheboygan County Recovery Court-Hybrid Treatment Court
Hon. Joseph Burke, Judge, 15th District Sobriety Court
Hon. Janet Boes, Presiding Judge, 10th Circuit Adult Drug Treatment Court
John Marra, Specialty Court Coordinator, 3rd Circuit Veterans Treatment Court
Christine Wise, Peer Recovery Coach, 54B District Drug & Sobriety Court
Kerianne Hultink, MHTC Coordinator / Case Manager, 10th District Mental Health Treatment Court
Deborah Nelson, Program Coordinator, 3rd Circuit Juvenile Mental Health Treatment Court
Heather Walther, Program Coordinator, Tuscola County Courts
Lt. Jose Lopez-Vives, Veterans Court Mentor, North Oakland County Veterans Treatment Court
Semaj Morgan, Specialty Court Director, 36th District Court
Due to COVID Pandemic, no 2019 Hero Awards were given out in 2020.
Kara Hartman, Specialty Court Coordinator, 41B Veterans and Drug Treatment Court
Sherriee Detzler, Defense Attorney, 41B Treatment Court
Heidi Cannon, Probation Officer, Lenawee County Sobriety Court
Gena Amos, Defense Attorney, 10th Circuit Adult Felony Drug Treatment Court
Donna Innes, Defense Counsel, 8th District OWI Treatment Court
Hon. Kathleen McCann, Presiding Judge, 16th District Sobriety Treatment Court
Hon. Stewart McDonald, Presiding Judge, Mid-Michigan Regional Sobriety & Mental Health Court
Hon. Mark Wisti, Presiding Judge, 97th District Sobriety Treatment Court
Kevin VanBoxell, Veterans Court Coordinator, Downriver Regional Veterans Treatment Court
Andrew Brown, Program Coordinator, 20th Circuit Adult Drug Treatment Court
Hon. Carrie Fuca, Presiding Judge, 41B Veterans Treatment Court
Patrick Stropes, Peer Support Specialist, 35th District Sobriety Court
Phase Up Group of Kalamazoo, 8th District OWI / Sobriety Treatment Court
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